click here to view a PDF of a recent catalog
Sensual and stimulating chill and ambient music we call "exotic electronica" - whirly, swirly, sometimes dubby,
sometimes dreamy soundscapes. Consistent quality throughout means every track and album is a good one.
various "One A.D." [84101] Our First! Defines the 'Ambient Dub' genre!
various "Two A.D." [85101] More Best Selling Ambient Dub Classics!
various "Three A.D." [86101] The Third Chapter in the A.D. Series!
various "Four A.D." [03102] Starts Off Dubby ... Ends Up Dreamy!
tuu "All Our Ancestors" [85102] As Heard on HBO's "Six Feet Under!"
loop guru "Duniya" [85103] Their Worldly, High Energy Best Seller!
a positive life "Synaesthetic" [85104] Whirly, Swirly UK Soundtracks!
sounds from the ground "Kin" [86103] Widescreen, Electronic Panoramas!
various "Frosty" [86104] Trip Hop? Acid Jazz? Chill Before Serving!
various "Slumberland" [87101] Dreamy, Sensual Make Out Music!
open canvas "Nomadic Impressions" [88101] Middle Eastern Flavors!
various "Ancient Alien" [88102] Eyepopping, Video Soundtrack!
various "Earthjuice" [88103] Dubby Top Ten Album!
zero one "zerO One" [88104] Calculated Adventures in Electronica!
urchin "Urchin" [89101] Pumped Up, Blissed Out Beats from the UK!
liquid zen "Liquid Zen" [89102] Floydish Vocals and Instrumentals!
various "Cheery" [89103] holiday music on hold!"
ras command "Serious Smokers" [99101] Smokin' Dub from Germany!
kozo "Planned Penetration" [99102] Swanky, Smokey Lounge Vibes!
sounds from the ground "Terra Firma" [99103] Soulful, Dubby Flavors!
open canvas "Indumani" [99104] Spicey, Eastern Adventures!
zero one "protOtype2" [99105] More Intellectual Stimulation!
various "Slumberland Episode Two" [99106] Eerie, Exotic!
tuu "One Thousand Years" [01101] Deep, Ancient Atmospheres!
various "Voodoo Roux" [01102] Saucy and Sensual!
various "Sunset Magnetic North" [01103] Cooler Northern Perspectives!
eastern dub tactik "Blood is Shining" [01104] Gritty, Uptempo beats!
various artists "Maui Chill - Vol One (Sunset at the Kihei Cafe)" [18101] Maui inspired Island Chill!
zerO One "octOgon" [19101] Catchy, quirky ambo-electro! HIS LATEST!
various artists "Maui Chill - Vol Two (Sunset at the Kihei Cafe)" [20101] More Maui inspired Island Chill!
skin to skin "Temenos" [02101] Deep, Lush, Reflective Soundscapes!
slowdeck "Multiple Offenses" [02102] A Mind Bending, Tripnotic Journey!
various "Voodoo Roux Deux" [02103] More, Saucy Adventures!
omnimotion "Omnimotion" [02104] Dreamy, Scandinavian Designs!
bluetech "Prima Materia" [03101] Listen ... Become Inspired!
phutureprimitive "Sub Conscious" [04101] Deep Swirls of Rhythm!
sounds from the ground "Luminal" [04102] Wide Screen Panoramas!
various "Smooth Chill - The Radio Singles" [05101] Eleven Radio Essentials!
pitch black [nz] "Ape to Angel" [05102] Video Enhanced CD - Most Excellent!
grey area "And Then the Clouds" [05103] An Aquatic Adventure!
various "Chillicious" [06101] Deeper, darker, sensual soundscapes!
sounds from the ground "High Rising" [06102] Sky-scraping sounds!
zerO One "ozOne" [07101] thE spacE bEtwEEn yOur thOughts!
various "Waveform Transmissions - Volume One" [07102] Psychedelic chill!
ram dass & kriece "Cosmix" [08101] Video Enhanced CD w/Timothy Leary!
sounds from the ground "Brightwhitelight" [08102] Reflective, shimmering!
capsula "Sense of a Drop" [09101] Deep, heady, psychedelic chillout!
various "Waveform Transmissions - Volume Two" [09102] More psy chill!
various "Waveform Transmissions - Volume Three" [10101] Yep, pych chill!
sounds from the ground "The Maze" [10102] Journey to the centre!
zerO One "remiXed" [11101] W/Bluetech, Phutureprimitive & more pals!
sounds from the ground "Widerworld" [12101] Masterly woven Euro electro!
jāfu "Add to Cart" [12102] Chilled out dubsteps from up North!
enCAPSULAte "Fetal Position" [13101] Capsula now enCAPSULAtes!
zerO One "sOnar" [13102] Maps the scope of your mind!
Sounds From the Ground "20 Years of The Best Sounds From the Ground" [14101] Their best tracks remastered!
zerO One "signals" [15101] Kevin Dooley's massage for your mind!